In Pursuit of Happiness

When people get into their twenties, we really start to think about happiness. Why? Because we are thrown into this complex world of responsibility, pressures, and competition. Everything starts to get very real. At first, its exciting. You finally “feel” like a grown-up. Its what you have been waiting for your whole life up to this point. Our parents always warned us that it wouldn’t be easy and to enjoy being a kid while we can, but in the back of our minds, all we wanted to do was grow up. Now, I know why our parents said what they did. We start to think about happiness because the complexities overwhelm us and we start to reevaluate every aspect of our lives. I am pretty sure I am talking about what others may call, the “quarter-life crisis”.

We always had this preconceived notion that “Adulting” was supposed to be wonderful, inspiring, fun and without limitations. But instead, we may feel the opposite; stuck, uninspired, drained, and full of choices to make. Don’t get me wrong, “Adulting” has the potential to be all of those great things that we thought it once was, and at times, it is, but its always when we feel like we have things “All figured out”. I am here to tell you that its okay to not have your life figured out. It may not be overnight, but you will figure it out eventually. Things will fall into place. You literally have to take life one step and one day at a time. And most of all, stop comparing yourself to others because it can destroy you.

Write down the things that make you happy and the things that don’t. Start eliminating things that hinder your pursuit of happiness by making short-term and long-term goals. Strive for a balance between comfort and risk, routine and spontaneity, giving and receiving, work and relaxation. What happiness really comes down to is balancing your life.

Ultimately, we are on this constant quest to find our purpose and destiny. If there’s anything I’ve learned throughout my twenties thus far, its that your purpose may change throughout your course, so don’t get discouraged, and your destiny starts to become fulfilled when you live in happiness. Get back your “Carpe diem” attitude and start living your balanced life.