Why More?

Why are twenty-somethings always wanting more? And, I guess this doesn’t just apply to twenty-somethings, but why do people in general continuously strive forĀ more? More things, more money, more friends, more popularity, more time, more goals, more food, more clothes, more anything and everything! I’ve thought about this for some time and I think life becomes boring and somewhat depressing without wanting more of something out of your life. Take my situation for example.

Since my last post, I moved back home, got a new job and I am now saving money to get my own place with my boyfriend and I’m working on getting a new “dream job”. Once I get those things, then what? So I have my house I’ve always wanted and my new career. What do I want next? I’ll want to get married and start a family. Then, from there, the list will go on for the needs and wants of my children. Bottom line, I’m always going to want things, and those things that I want more of are going to change through each stage of my life.

When people think of an individual who wants more, they often perceive one as greedy, selfish, or unthankful. But, I don’t really see it like that at all. If you desire something, that means you have a spark in you, a drive that keeps you motivated or goals to keep your time here on Earth enjoyable and worthwhile. I think if you are at a point in your life where you don’t want anything, life can seem depressing. I guess thats why some people potentially turn to drugs/alcohol. Maybe drugs/alcohol numb feelings of emptiness or the perception that nothing really matters.

I hate when people criticize other people’s wants/goals/needs. How many times have you heard someone say, “That’s not reality”. Actually, it is reality. Everyone creates their own construct of reality. Having high hopes, dreams, goals, all exist in someone’s head. Even if its far reaching, how can you tell someone that its not reality? It is their reality. Anyone has the potential to do, be or want anything in this world. The reality lays in whether you reach that potential.

I’ll think I’m always going to want more out of life because, the very construct of wanting/needing more makes me happy. I think it makes other people happy too.

How many of you want more right now?